
Hear Ye, Hear Ye, The Tale Of Taiyo Yuden CD-R And DVDRs

By Daniel Turbin

Long ago, in a distant land brimming with tortured, Taiyo Yuden-deprived souls, there lived a King recognized as Texas. King Texas was a compassionate king, whose lone royal intention was to stop the suffering of the poor, poor, pitiful subjects his father, King Archaic, had condemned to a life without any gadgets to help them in their everyday lives. King Texas envisioned a day where all the citizens of the land would own a lot of instruments to help them in their quest for true happiness. Sadly, King Texas was gobbled up by nasty, corporate dragons way more powerful than he, rendering the subjects' giant, cumbersome devices literally useless, and out-of-date.

Afraid that their reign may eventually be threatened, the evil corporate dragons called upon a substandard wizard. To assure control of the poor subjects for all time, the wizard utilized inferior spells to freeze the subjects' youngsters in grotesquely ironic, adorable poses, vowing that he would imprison them for a long time, should the subjects attempt to save them in any way. Decade after decade, the poor subjects were plagued, their children lost to oblivion one after the other as they tried in vain to restore them.

Taiyo Yuden

Throughout this time, the subjects have been told stories that the popular kings Sony, and Phillips had uncovered a new, masterful wizard that could break the spell of the less capable wizard. Under cover of darkness, they sent a liaison to the courts of the kindly kings to plead for their help, and protection. However the kings denied, saying that they shared the magical secret with one more king; one far more strong, yet far less greedy, and also publicity hungry, who had made them swear that they will never tell. Propelled by his want to save the subjects from the evil dragons, the liaison continued his journey, east, toward the land of the rising sun, looking for anyone who could help him locate the third, all-knowing king, Taiyo Yuden.

The subject's travels were made challenging since few knew of the mysterious king, much less of the legendary land in which he lived. Thus, the traveler searched for any Taiyo Yuden Review he could find. As it happened, he came upon another who told him of a tale he had once heard about the elusive king, and his Taiyo Yuden CD-R, an excellent device that could change the universe, only if he would like to share it openly. Although as benevolent as kings Phillips, and Sony, this king decided to humble himself, ordering his wholesalers never to reveal that he, too, possessed the power.

The traveler told the subject of still more, marvelous spells wielded by the king's wizards, able to far more than saving the tots from frozen oblivion. It is stated, exclaimed the traveler, that the Taiyo Yuden DVD-R could animate them, too, converting them into spinning, jumping ballerinas, the accompanying orchestra booming in the background with crystal clarity; choir boys, t-ball champs, and also gleeful party goers altogether; it mattered not, all are awakened to life. Skeptical, but encouraged, the subject pressed on, hoping against hope that, if he cannot find the mysterious king, he may at least find a Taiyo Yuden Distributor where he might purchase a JVC Taiyo Yuden to save his much loved fellow villagers. Lamenting his pitiful state, he recalled that the dragons had stripped him of his cellular phone to stop him from enlisting the aid of the strong, resourceful Amazonians, and Wal-Marters.

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