
Bruce Lee's Fighting Method: Why Must Martial Artists Own This DVD?

By Nikita Ray

The year 1974 saw the release of four short books that presented the fundamentals of Jeet Kune Do, the martial art form that Bruce Lee invented. The books could well be considered somewhat basic by today's standards, but they were rather innovative during their time. A couple of these books, Self-Defense and Basic Training, are the basis of the Bruce Lee's Fighting Method: The Complete Edition DVD. Richard Bustillo and Ted Wong, two of Bruce Lee's very first students, are featured in the DVD. The main material in the books are conveyed pretty nicely in the DVD.

While reading the books is highly recommended since they have a whole lot value to offer, still images in a book do not always do justice as far as being able to effectively detail the techniques being taught. Static photos only reveal so much and moving images are much more effective. As a result, the book's DVD edition is extremely beneficial. With the DVD, you can familiarize yourself with the techniques taught in the book since you can watch Bruce Lee's original students demonstrate the different techniques. While you cannot really expect to become a Jeet Kune Do master by merely watching the DVD, you do end up with an excellent resource you have access to anytime so you can supplement your attempts at mastering the martial art style.

Warm-ups and simple exercises are covered in the DVD's Basic Training. Using these you will get the most from your sessions. Jeet Kune Do basics are also dealt with in this section of the DVD. The On-Guard (fighting) position, footwork, and basic defense and offense are just a few of the Jeet Kune Do basics you will learn. Consider it a primer on the basic principles of Jeet Kune Do. In the DVD's Self Defense portion, you will get an introduction to the popular Jeet Kune Do moves, both offensive and defensive, that are specifically intended for dealing with street attacks and aggressive assailants. People interested in quite a few simple moves created to apply Bruce Lee's art in a self-defense scenario will find this part to be interesting.

This DVD has excellent narration. The narrator clearly tells what's happening as you watch the DVD so you are not going to feel you are missing out on anything vital. The DVD boasts of solid production values. There are way too many martial arts educational videos which are badly produced. Because Bruce Lee's Fighting Method was created by Black Belt Magazine, its production budget was far more than the production budget of many instructional videos. Because of this, this particular DVD looks very professional. Even though some might not exactly think production values are crucial, the fact is that poor production values will surely detract from the instruction on a video. With this DVD, though, the quality of both video and sound is outstanding so there is no need to worry about the presentation of the material being compromised.

If you happen to be a serious martial artist, make sure that you've got Bruce Lee's Fighting Method: The Complete Edition DVD on your shelf. It is a must-have classic training video. The DVD has great insights into Jeet Kune Do, the martial art that Bruce Lee invented. Furthermore, you are going to learn numerous basic self-defense moves.

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