
Abstract Art Paintings For Sale Will Appeal To Some

By Virginia French

Abstract art paintings for sale will appeal to some who might come across them on the Internet, but who might not previous have taken any interest in this kind of painting. Before the Internet Age it would have been necessary to make an extra effort to visit a gallery or exhibition to see such works. Now they can be more easily viewed.

It is easy to see large collections or to study the work of a particular artist in depth. Online galleries offer information and background information on works that are displayed. This is a different experience to visiting a gallery as a member of the public to view paintings. The latter is actually a public expression for which a person dresses and makes an effort. When browsing online a person is in a private world. Not being compelled to make a public gesture might be more open minded.

Some people marvel at the clear distinction between Oriental and Western art. Although the former is much older than the latter there are such clear distinctions that one is moved to wonder how and why such basic differences occur. One writer observed that the Chinese painters see with the eye of the mind and westerners with the physical eye. If such were to be true some Oriental art that appears representational could also be considered abstract. However, for practical communicative purposes it is probably most convenient to name abstract art as that form of non representational paintings that began to emerge around the beginning of the twentieth century in the western hemisphere.

At that period industrialization had already begun to transform the planet. Inventions, manufacturing and the growth of large industries were accompanied by an artistic movement which sought meaning in color, line and form rather than representation or perspective. Movements such as Impressionism, Fauvism and Cubism were all concerned with painting pictures that did not necessarily start from a completed object. Painters tried to see things from viewpoints other than the representational. These were sometimes difficult to understand.

Any movement that departs radically from the conventional is bound to attract negative comment. There are many who attach abstract art viciously, almost as though they have a grudge against it for no apparent reason. Gleefully they hold up for ridicule unfortunate critics who have been taken in by the work of elephants or apes, mistaking purpose for accident.

However, dismissive attitudes to abstract art can also originate in ignorance. Artists may legitimately explore beyond the sort of representational works that 'go with the sofa'. Compositions of line, color and form can certainly depict meaning beyond the concrete.

Concrete techniques may in themselves be meaningful, deployed in the creations of symbols, or notions that exist only in the mind. Some painters sketch accurate representation of the trees and forms that constitute a landscape and then transform them into abstractions, thus working away from concrete to symbolic representation.

Some people are ignorant of taste and some are over sensitive about it. Cultivated men and women are cultivated because they are sure of taste and reflect it in almost every decision that they make whether it be in jokes, in clothes or in purchases. They confidently buy what they like and when they see abstract art paintings for sale and like the forms, colors, lines and symbols they will buy it for what it means to them.

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