
Upcoming UAW server maintenance

Greetings ,

We wanted to inform you that on **August 7th, 2012** we will have a
window of maintenance on our network to improve our services.
The timeline for the maintenance is as follows:

Tuesday, **August 7th, 2012** : 9:00am ~ 10:00am PDT (60 minutes
- Systems Affected - During this time the Wizard will be unavailable

We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause you,
however, this is necessary to ensure optimum performance & security
for our network & customer experience.

Once again the date and time of our scheduled maintenance is as follows:

**August 7th, 2012** 9am ~ 10am PDT - ** WIZARD WILL BE UNAVAILABLE

We appreciate your understanding!

Best Regards,
The UAW Technical Team

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