
Know Your Style to Choose a Wedding Photographer

By John Santoro

One of the biggest days in your life will be the day you get married. You'll want to have wonderful memories of this day. The images created from your wedding will always remind you of this wonderful time in your life. You should put some preparation in learning about the different styles of photography that are available to you.

One of the most important things to consider when selecting your photographer is to understand your own personal style. Do you know what types of photos and art please you? Do you like perfectly crafted locations images or do you like spontaneous pictures of unique situations of your day?

An easy way to discover your aesthetic is to simply embrace the photographs and art on the walls in your house or apartment. Take a look around. Are the portraits you hang formal portraits or are they images of those spontaneous moments in your life? Do you hang relaxed looking landscapes or do you prefer abstract art? Be honest and you'll see whether you're a traditionalist or someone who prefers a little edginess in their art.

With the understanding of which photos and art appeal to you, you are equipped to choose the style of photography that's best for your wedding. Photojournalism and traditional photography are the most common choices.

The traditional style of wedding photography is probably what you observed in your parent's wedding album. The poses are perfect. The settings that work into the design of the photograph are perfect. And, the lighting is perfect. The traditional photographer has certain look that he brings to all his wedding shoots and he works to execute that look well. He will usually have a prepared set shot list that he will use to make sure he has all his moments covered.

Your wedding will be covered as a news event by a photojournalist wedding photographer. Human interaction and emotion will be what he captures rather than focusing on a highly prepared style. The wedding venue will be used as a backdrop and be incorporated into the photos. A photojournalist wedding photographer is known for working quickly and efficiently.

The hot style in wedding photography is the photojournalism style. Because it is so hot many traditional wedding photograher include this type of photography in their list of shots. Hence the emergence of the combined look. Photojournalist shots are sprinkled throughout the shoot.

Matching the your personal style with the style of the photographer is the key to getting great wedding photos that you love. You can choose any style but make sure it's you.

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