
Follow Those 5 Simple Steps to Help you Learn Blues Songs on your Guitar Real Fast

By Alfredo Menezi

Do you find it really hard sometimes to learn some Blues songs on your guitar? Even when you are able to learn something, it still takes you a lot of time while for some people it tends to be a lot more different. Why can some people, who are also beginners, learn the same songs that you are learning a lot faster than you can? What are they doing differently? There's always a right and a wrong way of doing things.

If you've been playing the blues for quite some time now, and still you've only learned 2 - 3 songs during that whole period, then you might be doing things the wrong way. Being a guitarist myself, here's how I believe you should learn guitar songs (this does not apply to Blues only but to any other music genre that you might be interested in):

1. There are thousands, if not millions of songs that exist in this world. Like everybody else, there has to be some songs that you absolutely love and some others that you really really hate. That's normal, but what I need you to do though is this; on a little piece of paper, take your pen and write down a list of 10 songs that you enjoy listening to. They don't have to be your personal selection of the 10 best songs of all time but instead, just some regular songs that you really enjoy listening to.

2. Once you've written them down, now go do some research on them, go find out what guitar chords do they consist of? Out of the 10 ones, some will be very easy to learn, consisting of only 4 - 5 chords while some harder ones will consist of 8 - 10 different chord progressions. Websites like ultimate-guitar(dot)com, chords(dot)com and 911tabs(dot)com can be very helpful. Once you've done your research, re-arrange your list of songs in a descending order, that is "easiest" song to learn will have be first on the list, down to the "hardest" song to learn last on the list.

3. Your list of 10 songs are ready, so now it's time for you to get to work. I'm hoping that you aren't an absolute guitar beginner but instead, I'm hoping that you already have some knowledge of basic guitar playing. If that's the case, then take your list and start practicing and learning the first song (the easiest one) on that list. Practice as much as possible and don't move on to another song until you know this one completely.

4. Once you've finished learning your first song on your list, move on to the other one. If you are finding it hard to learn the songs on your list or it's taking you more than 1 week to learn each one of them, then the songs that you've chosen are a bit too difficult. In this case, what I would advise you to do is to create another list but this time, go find some songs that are easy to play and that you like as well. Learning songs on your guitar has to be quick and enjoyable at the same time. It is extremely important that you create a list of the songs you want to learn though, as it will always remind you that you HAVE to finish the songs on your list before you can move on to something else.

5. Practice as much as you possibly can! The more you practice, obviously the better you will become, so don't ignore the importance of practicing. After you've been through half of your list, do go back and practice again the songs that you've learned at the beginning. You don't want to spend so much time learning a particular song, just to forget it completely 2 months later.

So here you are! Try to follow this plan and see how quickly you'll be able to learn a huge number of songs in the shortest amount of time. In addition to that, there's a tool that you could use to really really speed up your learning process. This tool alone will considerably boost your guitar skills in no time, seriously you don't want to miss out on that one!

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