
Digital Photo Tips - How To Get The Best Angle To Capture Great Shots

By Dan Feildman

Much is already known about the best angles and positions in photography to capture a subject. Camera angles are critical in determining where a camera will be placed to take a shot. In addition, through the choice of camera angle, the best possible shots can be achieved.

There are three standard camera angles, which, depending on how positioned, can affect the outcome of a shot: eye-level and shots that are both high and low. The most commonly used angles of the three are the high and low shots. If as a photographer, one is just starting out, the best angle to shoot from is eye-level.

The high and low level angles can too be mastered but the outcome of a photograph using these angles is much different from eye-level; typically the pictures will have a certain amount of distortion to them and if unsure how to manipulate the camera angle to get the shot that is wanted, it can be a sense of frustration if just starting out.

Through the use of various camera angles, a photographer tells a story that can be seen as having both aesthetic and psychological value. The photographer can determine the outcome of the story depending on which angles are used for the shot and what emphasis is put on the subject. As an example, if choosing to use a low angle shot for the subject, it will create a special effect that elongates the image.

Photographers don't always give away the whole story in their pictures. Ultimately, they are trying to project images that will give the viewer a sense of what was intended when the picture was taken. With the use of high and low angled shots, a photographer can create never before seen images. If shooting a building using a high angled shot, the building will appear to look much taller than it actually is.

To ensure the best camera shots using the right angles, here are some basic tips:

1. Points of Interest

Stories are told through the lens of the camera and ultimately through the outcome of the shot. As is the case, points of interest is the basic factor all photographers need to master.

In addition to storytelling, photographers can elicit a wide range of emotions from the images they take. To achieve these types of results, photographers need to choose the best angles to be used on the chosen subject and/or scene. A photographer may intend to invoke a specific emotion from a picture they have taken, however, they also want meaning in their images so that people are drawn to them no matter what they might feel about them.

2. Lighting

Lighting is a key element to get the best angles in any camera shot. Lighting gives the subject or scene being shot, meaning. When shooting a subject (dog, boy, tree, etc.), the chosen lighting for the shot can alter both the way it looks and the mood or atmosphere the photographer is trying to convey.

Indeed, camera angles may seem ordinary but they best define what photography is all about. That is why the determination of the best angle in photography is extremely significant.

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