
Unusual Baby Shower Gifts For The New Arrival

By Kelli Evans

It can take a lot of effort to locate and purchase unusual baby shower gifts. Many infants may already have almost everything they need before they are even born, especially if they have older siblings. Searching for that unique present may take some ingenuity and creativity.

A piggy bank is an item that a child can use throughout her younger years. Choose one that matches the theme of the shower and put it out for guests so they can add their own pocket change to the savings. The money can be utilized as a college fund, a down payment for her first car or a later trip to Disney Land.

Open a savings account in the child's name. Deposit money in the account every year for that child's birthday and at Christmas time. By the time he is older, he will have a portion of college paid for or a sum of money to put down toward a house or wedding. Invite others to add to the funds on special occasions also. Keep track of all contributors and add names to the card when the child actually receives the funds.

A gift certificate to a local photography studio is an original and useful present. Purchase one without an expiration date so it can be used at any stage of the child's life. A digital camera or small video camera are also perfect items to have on hand before, during and after the delivery. Including extra memory cards or batteries is also a thoughtful touch.

Donating a sum of money in the child's name is a very giving gesture especially if he already has all the clothing and equipment that he could possibly need. A sum could be given to the same charity in the little one's name to commemorate every birthday also. This would set an example to the child in later years, showing him how important it is to make generosity and sharing with those less fortunate a part of life.

If the child appears to have all of his wants and needs already met, a donation to a favorite charity in his name would be highly appropriate. Ask for a certificate which includes the infant's name as the donor so the parents can include it in his records. This could be the start of a very giving and generous life for a young child. The products and items a new baby needs are endless but providing unusual baby shower gifts will make the shower itself much more fun and exciting for all.

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