
Quick Guide to Making Rap Beats

By Dj Byrd

Would you enjoy producing Rap, Hip-Hop and R&B beats? With the cost of production and beat downloading online you might think about producing your own personal beats. Whether you're creating beats to sell, to make your own music or just for fun, I'd like to describe the various pieces that I use when building beats. I've been associated with audio production for 20 years however i am certainly no expert but I'd like to discuss my knowledge.

To begin with allow me to clarify there's really no wrong or right way to create a beat. Many people might begin with percussion like kicks, snares and hats. Other people will start creating their melodies and chords. Now there is no one method to make a beat. Occasionally I simply begin with percussion and after that put in a bassline and melody. In other cases I began creating the chords and melody 1st, then put the drums later on. These are the 4 primary elements that I use when creating hiphop and rap beats.

1) Drums/percussion - Drums instruments consists of all your drum sounds like kick drum, snare drum and cymbals. These sounds may either be digital like those incorporated inside drum machines and computer software. They may also be live percussion that you might see used in a rock group.

2) Chords- Chords will be the sounds most likely performed with a key-board. Generally these sounds could be played utilizing a piano or similar sound like an organ. However the choices are countless. You can utilize generally any other musical instrument like pads, keys and strings also for your chords.

3) Melody-Melody is yet another element utilized when building a beat. This particular element isn't necessary however it does make the track a great deal fuller and helps out a lot whenever you reach the hook, chorus and various parts of the song. Once again this could certainly be any sound in your library but I recommend steering clear of the low tones simply because this might conflict with the Bassline.

4)Bassline-The Bassline is yet another critical component in making rap beats. Once once more this part isn't required however it does create volume towards the track. A good deal of times if you use a heavy 808 kick you might not require a heavy Bassline. You may also use the Bassline to experiment with along with the melodies and chords that you've got in your track.

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