
Pieces By Modern Pop Artists

By Kelli Evans

For art lovers around the world who want to own some of the coolest pieces around, pop artist Nashville area offer some good choices. These world-class artists work in the style that became popular in both the United Kingdom and the United States in the 1950s. Even today, this style is still popular and is still being produced.

The style marries fine art with popular culture. The artists often borrow images from newspapers, comic strips, advertisements and other objects that are seen everyday and take them out of their typical context. They use fine art materials such as paint and canvas to create a new context for these images.

Many people associate this art style with artists like Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein, as they were the pioneers of the style. Warhol became famous for creating fine art pieces featuring soup cans. Lichtenstein created large canvas filled with comic book style images.

The style of art is popular today, just as it was in the 1950s when it was born. The subjects have changed, but today's artists continue to combine the fine arts with mundane and popular items. Their pieces often hang in local galleries and on the walls of some beautiful contemporary homes.

Those who are interested in finding the exact piece for their collection or the works of a specific artist can look on the Web. Most artists have an official site that features some of their est pieces. Buyers can also go to local galleries to look at some of the pieces.

What begin as a commentary about modern cultures in the 1950s continues today. For buyers of art who are searching for a talented pop artist nashville has some good choices. Like Lichtenstein and Warhol the modern day artists still take images from the modern world and integrate them into their pieces. The buyer can look on web sites and in local galleries to find the right pieces.

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