
Photography Guide For Newbies - First Time With Your Digital Camera

By Dan Feildman

Kodak, the company that took cameras out of the hands of professionals and put them into the hands of everyday consumers, is in financial trouble. Why? Because people -- everyday people -- are turning to digital cameras, leaving film-based cameras gathering dust in the closet. As the largest producer of film-based cameras, and photographic film, Kodak finds itself losing great gobs of money.

However, digital cameras won't save money if people don't know how to use them. Below are pointers on how to use your digital camera, and take advantage of your Mac, too.

You need a computer

While some cameras will allow you to view your pictures on a TV, in practice a digital camera is pretty useless without a computer. The best computer to have, of course, is a Macintosh with a USB port, which pretty much covers everything Apple has introduced since the iMac.

It will also help if the camera comes bundled with Macintosh-compatible photo editing/viewing software. Mac OS X 10.1 comes with software capable of downloading pictures directly from some cameras; you may not need to load a thing.

Learn the basics

Yes, you need to read the manual. Some of the cameras don't even come with a printed manual; you'll have to read an Acrobat file from the CD-ROM that came with the camera. Concentrate on finding all the controls and learning how to use them. Make sure you know how to load batteries, plug it into your computer, and turn it on and off.

You will also want to be aware of buttons you don't want to push. (I recently watched someone wonder aloud what one button did, so they pushed it -- and watched their rechargeable battery fall into the Pacific Ocean.)

Typically speaking, the better the camera, the harder it will be to operate. Inexpensive digital cameras rarely support more than "point and shoot" technology. You point the camera, push the button, it takes a picture. The camera will try to auto-focus the image and adjust the exposure according to available light.

You will find that more expensive digital cameras will enable you to manually adjust focus, focal length, lighting, and countless other settings which will help you turn a good picture into a really bad picture -- if you don't read the manual.

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