
Legal Marijuana And Grow Jamaica

By Marguerite Stanton

Reverend Leroy James Campbell wrote the book Grow Jamaica. This talks about the legal implications, medical, economic and political implications of legal marijuana. The film is documentary that runs for an hour. This is set as an educational and entertainment material while tackling the issue. It also cuts across the sections of the society. Doctors, economists, police officers, farmers and politicians are asked to give their insights.

Jamaica is a country in the Caribbean with more than two and a half million population. People in the country are known for having a rich cultural heritage. Most of its people also excel in the athletic field. The country in itself boasts of wonderful scenery. Despite these, it is in the middle of a financial struggle. The people are suffering from poverty. Because of these issues, leaders of the country proposed the project of legalizing cannabis.

The country wants to improve its produce of crops that could be sold at high price in the market. They are targeting both the local and international markets in the campaign. It is likewise important for them to cut on the imports. These measures are believed to help the citizens.

Locally, cassava, poultry and ginger root are available. The country's agricultural department assists in finding markets for the produce. Campaigns are set on radio and television to disseminate the information. The documentary was also released to aid in informing people.

The documentary specially focuses on legalizing hemp with the intentions to improve the economy. Leaders see that the laws that cover marijuana trade should be scrapped. They call for the decriminalization of the trade.

This proposal has alarmed various sectors of society. In social and political forums, their concerns and propositions have been aired out. Those who support the move to legalize the trade considers the economic effects. For them, the move will illicit trade and therefore improve the economy.

The conflicting views cause a setback in the country. Nonetheless, there are efforts to settle these. grow Jamaica is made to explain the implications should marijuana become legal.

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