
Learning The Music Of Reggae In Burning Spear Albums

By Laura Gallagher

Reggae is a style that originated in Jamaica during the nineteen sixties. Its band has the primary instruments such as bass guitar, drum set and woodwind instruments. Bob Marley, Prince Buster and Burning Spear albums are some of the contributors of this genre. The guitar is the common instrument that is prominent in this music.

Select the instrument that you want to play. Have one contraption at a time. You can choose from saxophones, hand drums and trumpets. You can also visit a music store if you want to try each contraptions that appeal to you.

Most people would want to learn about the guitar style. Select a chord and arrange your hands on fretboard properly. Select a rhythm and a technique to play. Have two chords that alternate for your choice of rhythm. Pick the chords that is easy for you and the ones that sound better together. Then accelerate to more complicated chords.

Listen to different artists throughout the history of the said genre. You can check their albums in stores or websites. Listen carefully to the instrument that you like to play. The rhythms should also be observed and how it was interacted with the whole composition.

Get an instructor to teach you. You will be taught properly and you will be critiqued along the way by a good teacher. You can find them usually in stores where instruments are sold. They can also recommend you to a school or they will be the ones to give you the lessons.

Lay out their albums and practice the songs. Decide which songs you are interested to learn. You could practice more if you play through a sound system. Try to imitate the notes to your instruments. Being a beginner, divide it into chunks. Keep practicing until you are able to continuously play it perfectly.

Have a wide selection of musicians to listen to, same as burning spear albums so that you will be able to understand their techniques. This can help you in the timing and arrangements similar to theirs. Perform along with musicians in similar levels of skills with you so that you are capable of developing your methods together.

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