
The Best Comedies Are Fun To Watch

By Claudia Campos

The best comedies make for memorable movies. This genre helps us as people find ways to laugh at everyday events and in some cases they help ease the pain from suffering. They can serve as a respite from everyday troubles or amuse us as we look into the bumblings and stumblings of someone other than ourselves. From slapstick to romantic comedies, these films remain among the most popular type to watch at the theater.

Laughter can be therapeutic. A good laugh helps ease stress and make life more manageable. Laughter eases pressure on the central nervous system, and it helps keep our blood pressure at safe levels.

Many directors have helped create what the screenwriter wanted the audience to experience. Thousands of movies are out there to make us laugh. You can find a list of well-made funny movies to watch by consulting your local library for ideas.

One way to find them is to search online or to go to a video store where they let people check out the videos they want. There may be a genre section so you can search that way.

Many film schools teach how to write a comedy. These can be one of the more difficult genres to write as the dialogue and facial expressions have to be just right in many cases. Sometimes a specific type of actor is required to pull off the scene with the right humorous effect.

The best comedies combine a number of factors to keep the audience laughing throughout the film. From sight gags to biting sarcasm, a good movie can induce laughter through many different artistic forms. Many type-cast actors like Jim Carey and Adam Sandler have made a career out of performing in this genre almost exclusively. Some directors and screenwriters specialize in the humorous realm as well. The are of making a movie that will keep audiences laughing is a challenging but rewarding one for filmmakers, screenwriters and acting professionals alike.

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