
Upholding Respect For The Civil War Battle Flags

By Thelma Kent

The American civil battle lasted for four years. The war was fought between the southern states against the union. Popular notion amongst many people is that the war was waged because of slavery related issues. On the contrary, it was actually waged in the quest to get economic independence and the right to chart a different course from the union. There is a variety of civil war battle flags, which were used during this period.

During the confrontations, a thirty three star flag was used within the first three months of the battle. With the inclusion of Kansas and west Virginia, the stars were increased to thirty five. This represented the union forces. The president at the time completely refused to remove the stars representing the southern states which ewer against the union.

The southerners were represented by a confederate states piece. The original item was known as stars and bars. It was designed to symbolize the freedom the southerners were advocating for at the time. With a cross on it, the design was adapted from St Andrews death, which was encountered on a cross of a similar design.

There are no other historical artifacts, which capture the attention of citizens as these do. Many people have the chance to reflect on their history because they can view and learn it from the flags that symbolized the struggle leading to independence and unity of all the states. This highly regarded history is passed from generation to generation.

There are no other symbols in the American history that stirs excitement and emotions on an equal measure as these items. Several stores display it on sale to customers at an affordable rate. There are rules governing its use that should be adhered to as a sign of loyalty. For instance, they should never be left to touch the ground.

civil war battle flags are to be handled with a lot of respect. There are rules that govern their use since they are an important symbol in the history of American culture. Citizens can express their love for the country by taking care of these pieces of history.

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