
How To Become A Good Architectural Photographer

By Tommie Newman

Becoming a good architectural photographer requires commitment. One should not only have talent, but fondness for the job. Here are some tips to help you.

Your equipments will be your be friends. Consult with other lensmen on getting the right one. It does not need to be expensive. Invest in a tripod as well. This will be helpful especially when you are taking night shots. With regard to lens, get the wide angle type since you will be using this a lot. Software for editing should be included in the list.

Contemplate on enrolling in photography and architecture courses. Although a degree is not needed, it is best that you have credentials. Firms and Clients will not think twice about hiring you. A degree weighs more in the corporate world.

Bring your camera wherever you are going. Some pictures are best taken when not planned. There could be that time when the sun hits the buildings just right. Knowing when to capture that priceless image will take you places. Get your creative juices flowing.

School, most of the time, teaches only the technicalities. That is why it is important to have on the job training. Not only will it help you with practicing, but with your techniques as well. Observe your mentor and come up with your own.

Your portfolio should not only contain perfect photos but incomparable ones as well. Leaf through magazines and get inspiration from experts. It does not matter if you have less than ten photos in there. The important point is to include the pictures you are most proud of.

Your hunger for knowledge will be your key to success. Be on the lookout for styles that are up and coming. Peruse through magazines as they often carry what is new. Equipped with these knowledge, you are on your way to be a good Architectural Photographer.

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