
Finding New Musical Artists

By Sara Barnhill

Ask just about anyone and they would say that they love listening to music. Some people are perfectly happy with just listening to their favorite radio station and picking up occasional new songs as they come out. For others, they must have their finger on the pulse. It can in fact be a little bit addicting to keep trying to find the next new band. It is the psychology behind referrals. Knowing that new underground band makes us feel as if we have a hand in their success. It makes us feel like we have a leg up on everyone else. We believe that on some level, we become linchpins of the music industry simply because we know something that very few seem to know. It begins to sound bad that we think like this, but the truth is that it is normal and perfectly fine. Music is intended to make us feel, whether it makes us feel happy, sad, or empowered. Enjoy your music however you like. In fact, here are some tools and methods that will help you feel like a "Jukebox Hero" even if no one else seems to think so.

One of the first places that many people will turn to is the Internet. The Internet has become something of a legendary source when it comes to information and entertainment. With a wide range of websites for people to choose from, it is no wonder that people can spend hours just browsing through the different choices it presents. There are many websites where you can download music for free, although generally these websites tend to be illegal. Sites where the customer has to pay will normally have a variety of different payment methods. On top of this, you can normally sample pieces of music before you choose to buy them.

Don't forget, you can also rely on some of the old, traditional ways to discover music. I still ask friends and people I meet, what they listen to. By cultivating a few friends that are just as passionate about new music as I am, I consistently get referrals of new bands to listen to. Just by asking people what bands they are listening to, you can find new bands and even new genres that you may not be familiar with.

Video sites such as Youtube can be a great way to find new music. Not only can you find new artists, but the videos of interviews and live performances can give you a great look into the style, mannerisms, and character of a group. I often find that this method of researching bands can lead to becoming a raving fan of a group more often than other discovery methods. Try searching on the video site just the same way you would on a search engine. It is, in fact, a video search engine. You can also browse through the music category in the browse tab. This will pull up the popular music videos being watched, but feel free to take the search deep, going 5, 10, 20 pages in on the search. This will allow you to dig up some gold nuggets in the music industry and provide you with plenty of listening pleasure.

By using all of the resources available, you should be able to find plenty of music. Keep exploring new genres and sounds and you will enrich your life with loads of listening pleasure.

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