
The Special Skills Needed By An Interior Design Photographer

By Chloe Gib

An interior design photographer needs a very defined and specific skill set to compete in this industry. While most styles of photography do, this particular brand has its own unique requirements which are impossible to gain through any other type of photography experience. These are the features to look for in this type of professional.

A passion for decor is a necessity because the professional needs to know which areas of the building he's working with are important to capture. He needs to keep abreast of fashion in order to acquire knowledge of the necessary details requiring depiction. Only someone who's willing and interested in keeping up to date in this way will be able to maintain relevance.

There are also particular challenges that are unique to this type of photography that the professional needs to know. For example, images that are taken without people in them tend to be more successful. The photograph is meant to supply an environment that the viewer can project himself into, and this is far more successfully achieved by an image devoid of any people.

However, all rules have their exceptions and this one is no different. There are certain photographs that simply work better with people in them. Some skill and talent will enable the architectural photographer, for example, to make the right choices regarding whether or not to include people in an image.

Resort photography tends to work better when images are populated because empty buildings and rooms meant for tourism tend to look deserted and unattractive to viewers. The inclusion of people by an interior design photographer may add a certain atmosphere that was otherwise impossible to achieve. Thus, one needs to hire someone with a good sense of when to follow and when to break rules.

Decor photography lighting is especially challenging. It's usually not advisable to use a flash because this tends not to reflect the detail and textures in architecture. At the same time, it's not really possible to use a hand held camera since they're incapable of gathering sufficient light. The professional thus needs to know how to combine the artificial and natural light sources in the area in the best ways.

It can also be difficult to make a room look big and this is important to commercial clients. The interior design photographer can struggle to achieve space when there are walls in the way that disallow him from capturing a room in its entirety. He needs instead to employ the correct angles and lenses and only someone with plenty of skill has the capacity to work with all the tools required to depict a room in the most attractive way.

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