
Beijo: How To Succeed In Beijo

By Eduardo Kooliantra

Beijo reps: Do you want to become a top 3% earner? If so, keep reading.

If you want to become a top earner, you need a way to promote to thousands of people- not just to the small number of friends and family network marketers are taught to approach.

You've got to learn to acquire customers and business partners the way nearly all legitimate businesses do: through marketing!

Below are 3 strategies 7-figure earners taught me I have successfully used to take my business to an entirely new level:

- Add Affiliate Revenue To Your Business

Affiliate products are those you market and earn a commission on each sale. Sell affiliate products, such as ebooks, instructional courses and membership sites that teach network marketers business skills. You'll gain several key benefits when you market affiliate products in addition to Beijo.

People who purchase affiliate products from you are more likely to consider your Beijo opportunity. These prospects have signaled a willingness to pull out a credit card and buy, not just browse.

It's not an issue if these people are not interested in your Beijo opportunity. Affiliate commissions allow you to monetize the 97% of prospects that are not interested in joining Beijo. This boosts your overall profits.

Membership websites and other subscription-based tools pay a recurring monthly commission. Recurring revenue adds consistency to your business (and helps you sleep better at night knowing there's reliable revenue). You will stand out from other networkers when your market affiliate products and services. You won't get lumped in with all the other network marketers who just lead by promoting their business opportunity. You will seem more like an expert, less like a hypey amateur. By selling affiliate products on the front end, you will sponsor a lot more Beijo reps on the back end.

- Develop Your Own Leads

Generate leads online. Do not merely rely on approaching friends and family. The leads you attract online will sign up into your Beijo business more frequently than leads you buy.

You'll always have Beijo leads when you generate them yourself. Use the simple but effective way to generate your own leads: Provide an effective, ""irresistible"" bonus for your prospects, in exchange for their contact details.

Write or record a training that helps network marketers solve a key business problem. There are many topics to choose from: how to close more, how to generate leads, how to increase duplication and more.

Make your free bonus offer something easy to download, such as a written guide, a video or audio recording. Your website should request the prospect's name, email and phone number before allowing the bonus training to be downloaded.

Every time someone downloads the free bonus training, you get a lead for you Beijo business. Your next step is to develop a relationship with your prospects and eventually introduce them to your Beijo business.

- Increase Your Value

Most new Beijo marketers focus too heavily on Beijo, its comp plan, products, the management team, etc. Then they go out and try to tell people about their Beijo business opportunity or the Beijo product line.

This is NOT the way 7-figure earners build their businesses in companies such as Beijo. On the Internet, people simply do NOT care about how great Beijo is! These frustrated networkers ARE NOT seeking a new opportunity. Even one you stand behind such as Beijo!

Online, your target market is frustrated network marketers seeking one thing: Someone to show them the way. They are seeking a guide who can coach them to be successful The network marketing company this leader promotes is secondary.

To succeed, you have to position yourself as a trainer/coach who can guide your prospects. To position yourself as a coach, you must teach your prospects tactics and strategies that can help them grow their business.

If you don't know tactics and strategies then you're going to need to learn new skills. Buy training courses, subscribe to membership websites, and attend live events so you are learning new skills regularly. Don't think you must become proficient at EVERY skill.

Choose ONE strategy, such as how to generate leads on Facebook, or how to prospect people into your Beijo business over the phone, or another useful business skill and you can differentiate as someone highly skilled at this ONE thing. As soon as you're regarded as a guide by your prospects, some will start to ask to join your Beijo team. Focus on teaching this tactic to your prospects, and many of them will want to join your Beijo team.

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