
Ways To Get Good At Bass Guitar

By Dona Oquin

By playing for many years, I have learned that even the most complicated issued can be explained in the simplest feasible way... By realizing this, I came to an idea to have all lessons split into smallest parts for easy comprehension.

The best recommendation I could give to the beginners (and those that usually are not beginners) is very easy. You should terribly want something, believe in it and apply a great deal towards it.

In this situation, you need to believe that you will become an excellent bass player, you terribly want to become a great bass player and you need to work extremely hard to become a great bass guitar player.

Learn how to read bass notes. After around 10 years of actively playing bass, I have attained my highest level and I have seen that I can't go any further without understanding the way to study bass notes.

At that time, I have even considered to stop playing totally. I lost my willpower and I have ceased practicing.

The moment I began to know the bass notes, I've gone through the barrier that was preventing me in going forward. The entire new society opened up in front of my eyes and with a smile on my face I have walked over that barrier, realizing that I can never get into back to the pit I was stuck in beforehand.

Know how to read TABS. Just like with bass notes - it is very useful to realize as it can only support you obtain the hang of performing bass. Personally I suggest bass notes, but I do think it would be beneficial to also spend some time on Guitar tabs.

Training. It's a lot preferable to train two hours at once, then half hour in the morning, one hour around noon and half hour at night. Practice every single day!

Remember that with each everyday you will learn more that the day before and as such each training will require longer than the one before. The more you understand, the greater time it will bring you to undergo everything you learn, so that you do not forget anything at all!

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