
Start Enjoying Photography With These Great Tips!

By Brett Finn Sanchez

Know the purpose of your photo before you start taking the shots. You will be able to capture some scenes better by shooting them vertically, rather than horizontally. Photo editing can only do so much, so get the picture right the first time around.

Pre-focus your camera and proceed to move to the side a bit so as to offset the main subject from the center of the lens. When a subject is in the center, it is very mundane and not fun to look at. By using this technique, you will find that your photo and the subject matter give off a more interesting appeal to the viewer.

Look for patterns in your subject matter, no matter if they happen to be natural or artificial. Patterns give your photo increased visual interest, particularly if they repeat. These can help create fascinating backdrops for your photos.

Cropping a photograph can improve it immensely. Sometimes a picture is great, except there could be an unattractive element in the background, like a sock. There are also times where the picture is perfect, except for the fact that the subject is a bit off center. These issues are easily remedied by clever cropping later.

If you want to get rid of shadows outdoors, use your flash. The subject of your photo is going to come out too dark if you shoot in the light without flash.

Invest in a memory card with advanced ability to record a large number of images, so that you will not be limited in the quantity of shots you can take at any given time. A 16 gigabyte memory card will store all of your photos without the necessity of changing memory cards during a photo shoot. Owning a larger memory card also means you can take shots in RAW format, increasing your options during the editing process.

Even a dull subject can be made visually interesting if you make the right camera adjustments, shoot from a different viewpoint, or change the lighting. Know how each option will affect your photo, so you can make the right choices at the right time.

Try new, creative techniques by experimenting with different shutter speeds. Using fast shutter speeds is common practice to prevent blur, but think about how you can use slow shutter speeds to intentionally blur your photos for creative reasons. Did you see the person riding a bike who was going past at a fast pace? The bike will be clear and the background will be streaked, this will show movement.

Your images should always be balanced. An image with properly balanced visual elements will appear more professional and attractive. Specifically, make sure the subject is in focused and properly framed, cut distracting elements out of the shot, and don't orientate the horizon.

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