
The Facts on How To Make Cartoons And Publish Them to Millions of Potential Viewers

By Jeroen Waning

There are many creative artists out there who would love to put their imagination to work for them. However, they fear their efforts will not parallel their imagination and creativity because of the amount of time it takes to produce something professional.

Believe it or not, animation has been around since the dawn of man, yet it wasn't revolutionized with the pioneers that followed World War II. Animated cartoons became big business and attracted many fans. However, many of these enthusiastic viewers had dreams of creating their own cartoon movies, but they were limited to doodles in sketchbooks. Today does not seem much different with so many creative artists out there that don't know where to turn.

Even with the technological advancements of today, it may seem only the multi-million dollar companies at the forefront of the animation industry could effectively produce and publish animated cartoon films. The general public has seen movies such as Toy Story, A Bug's Life, Megamind, and popular cartoons such as South Park, The Simpsons, or Family Guy, and never fathomed the possibility to produce quality, amateur animated films and cartoons themselves. It certainly eluded them that publishing to millions of potential viewers and monetizing their graphic motion picture or short animated clip was a possibility.

Before the information age, making animated films and cartoons was indeed a daunting task. However, as the computing power evolved and new creative thinkers developed software packages to facilitate animation, making cartoons as an amateur became more feasible.

The fact that creating cartoons and animated movies was now feasible for nearly everyone who carries their imagination proudly began to attract those who lacked the money and years of experience, yet wielded passion and creativity. The realization of the ease with which one could publish their short animation film series to the entire world brought an entirely new level of incentive. Being able to monetize their creations and start to make a living doing what they love justified it to be and invaluable endeavor.

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