
Pointers on How to Get a Music Contract like Sebastian Luciano

By Louis Smith

If you are a independent musician like Sebastian Luciano and you want to land a recording contract, you must understand how different the entire industry has changed from the "old days". Back then, if you had something and you wished to get out there, you had to butter up to a recording label that you had something marketable, and something that they can make cash with you. If they liked you and your art, they would then take you under their guidance and build you up over time until you could create something that people wanted to hear. And the rest is history.

Though, in this day and age, you must be skilled in all of areas, including the marketing of your brand and establishing a fan base, to have the greatest chance of landing a great deal with any record label out there. But, before you approach these major music corporations about a deal, you have to be able to prove that you are serious about your art, confident in being a performer like Sebastian Luciano, and knowledgeable about marketing your music.

So with that, you have to be ready for every single detail. You have to be ready to work on a drop of a hat, understand how recording studios function, know how to make a CD, and how to effectively market what you put out. This includes online social networking sites and exposing yourself online like making blogs, getting interviews, and posting information about your upcoming shows in the local area. So it's not a regular nine to five career, it is a constant all-day job thought the end will be worth it, especially if you put your back into it.

Another great skill to have in order to land a great contract is the ability of doing any kind of negotiation. When you are made an offer by any recording labels, you need to be prepared. Knowing what these recording contracts entail before you sign can give you an certain edge during negotiations and prevent you from getting a bad deal that could take years to get out of or never.

If you are going to be offered a recording contract in these times, you must know that times have changed. No longer do recording labels take care of their artists as they used to. You must come to them ready to hit the ground running with all the skills you need to start creating your product. So be prepared as past musicians like Sebastian Luciano and others have done. This includes singing, any dance steps you may require, how to conduct yourself in a recording studio and how to effectively market yourself.

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