
How to Be a Good Singer - Fly Past the Talent Lie

By Sasha Carraway

If you would like to ensure that your aspiration of truly being a top-class, or even community choir or talent show grade, singer never materializes, just listen to those who don't know how to sing and excuse themselves with the remark "you need talent." Singing is an learned competency that is made much easier with talent but in the same way you figured out how to make yourself lunch, if you're sufficiently hungry, you can learn how to be a good singer.

It's this, "I am going to do this, and that's it period" mindset that will allow you to propel past those who've past by their singing desires (and everyone knows them) and get over that initial barrier of possible humiliation and discouragement. This is a critical step to take before you can get started with turning yourself into a good, and then possibly great, singer.

Posture Pays Off

A fundamental lesson that you'll want to take straight away, so you can get the most benefit from your vocal exercise efforts is posture. Although posture may sound petty in the big picture of learning how to be a good singer, all great singers became that way (especially if they weren't particularly talented) by doing more of the inglorious little things far better than those bound for mediocrity. The right posture is essential to proper breathing, which, consequently, is essential to developing the breathing habits that will permit you to use your voice with both power and precision.

Practice Better to Perform Better

Before you can learn how to be a good singer you need to practice just like someone who is on their way to turning into a good singer. A simple practice pattern to start off with is to, first, sing scales to warm up, followed by some singing of songs that are well-known to you which employ those scales, and to finish, engaging in improvisation of those scales over a chord structure.

It's probably ideal to practice for a little while every day, especially if you're starting out without any formal singing education. With that being said, don't let a daily practice program deter you if you feel like you're only ready to commit to a few days each week. This will give good results too - just concentrate on being consistent in your practice.

You've likely heard that old saying that declares "practice makes perfect." In spite of its popularity, it's not completely true. When you're learning how to be a good singer you want to remember that perfect practice makes perfect. To put this truism into effect straight away, continually find the perfect pitch to sing to. This is generally done with a concert pitch tuned piano, or if you don't own one, pitch pipes, a tuning fork, or even instrumental recordings, in the event that you don't have anything else.

Breathe Better to Sing Well

If you have stopped making progress in your mission for singing greatness, it may be because you've overlooked the fact that how effectively you manage your breathing rhythm isn't the only variable that determines how effectively and precisely your voice carries. Furthermore, you need to possess muscular control throughout your respiratory system.

One popular way to fulfill the latter, is reciting scales that are common in the type of songs that you desire to sing, as well as completing a scale-run as a means of warming up your voice. Many top notch singers also find it helpful to use artificial oxygen consumption and underwater exercises intended to expand lung capacity, and to stay away from any substance or environment which damages the lungs or throat.

Let Fundamentals Teach You How to Be a Good Singer

Of the basic drills that you can do to begin making immediate headway on your way to learning how to become a good singer, singing and becoming familiarized with the three main scale groups (major, minor and dominant seventh) just might be the most beneficial.

The moment you've become well acquainted with the three basic scale groups, you're ready to master natural chord theory (which chords line up with each key) and mode theory (patterns for adapting scales to keys). As soon as you're well acquainted with each of these aspects of learning how to be a good singer, you'll gain immensely from improvising over the chord structures you get when you combine chord theory with the three basic scales.

Now, you will have come to a pivotal growth level on your way to arriving at great new singing heights, as you'll be singing songs in a range of genres even while keeping to notes, pitch and rhythm. This will allow you to develop a tremendously sharp awareness of core rhythm and core melody, which are paramount to learning how to be a good singer.

Recognize the Price of Being a Good Singer and Start Paying it

While the road to learning how to be a good singer usually will not be a short and simple one to navigate, particularly when you initially begin traveling on it, if you have complete belief in your ability to turn the voice you've been blessed with, no matter how good or bad it might seem to be, into a finely tuned musical apparatus, you'll soon be soaring down it with a toothful grin across your face and singing self-belief fast approaching that was a short while ago totally out of vision.

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