
What should be in a good film trailer?

By Jamie Hammett

The film industry is amazingly large and creates hundreds of millions of pounds of profit each year. It is also an extremely competitive industry and there are thousands and thousands of actors, actresses, directors and films which fail for each one that becomes a success. Critics have a huge amount of power and can seriously damage a film before it is even released if they have a reason to. To make sure this doesn't happen and that the film is a success a good trailer is very important.

Creating a good movie trailer is a difficult thing to do but it must have certain elements which makes a person want to actually see the film. Firstly it must show the story just enough for the person to want to know more but not so much that they feel they have seen all of the good parts. There are far too many trailers where the audience feel they have seen enough even without watching the film.

Secondly it has to give an accurate account of what the film is about. If it is an action film there is no point in the trailer being full of the various slow talking parts from the film as this will attract the wrong audience. An action film has to have action in its trailer but not just a constant barrage of action either as the story has to be visible and make sense.

For a film trailer to create a good audience for the film it should clearly demonstrate what stars are in the film. If Denzel Washington is in the film for example then he should be in the trailer a lot too. Stars sell tickets largely on their on-going reputation so showing the stay will make the trailer and in turn the film a success.

Finally it has to be entertaining so that people absolutely have to see the whole film and aren't left underwhelmed and not interested in paying to see it. A trailer should leave people wanting more and counting down to its release, this is done by a good balance between story and action.

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