
Photography Tips and Tricks "Reducing Camera Vibration

By Roy Barker

Do you have unsteady hands? Do you often produce indistinct stills due to camera shake? If you do, you might want to know how you can reduce camera shake when taking hand-held shots. Are you prepared to get started? I bet you are!

Photography tricks are always helpful so to appreciate how it's possible for you to forestall camera shake, it might be good to realise why such a thing happens in the 1st place. Camera shake becomes noticeable when you use a shutter speed that is significantly slower than the rate of the unintended camera motion. If this is the case, you can reduce camera shake either by elevating your shutter speed or by reducing camera motion. Nevertheless the best path would be to take both factors into consideration. Hence how do you just that?

You can raise your shutter speed by following one of 3 possible ways:

- Optimize your exposure settings. If you're using manual settings, make sure that your ISO is set at the top level possible and your f-stop is at its lowest. However , if you are using automated settings, then your camera is prepared to do what it can to increase shutter speed.
- Avoid random over-exposure.
- Enhance your lighting or use your flash to illuminate your subject.

Now you know how it's possible for you to raise your shutter speed, we can talk of the other factor "that is, reducing camera shake. To boost your handheld system, try one (or more) of the following suggestions:

- Never forget to steady yourself and your camera. To get quality pictures, always assume a stable position. You may kneel, sit or lean against a wall to reach this. Or you can decide to employ the viewfinder instead of the rear LCD.
- Optimise your grip. Using both hands, hold your camera resolutely with one hand under the lens and the other on your camera, especially if you are using bigger cameras. Keep your arms easily close to your body.
- Utilise a tripod or set your camera on a tough, solid surface.
- Learn how to apply better shutter button strategy. In pressing your shutter button, do it halfway first before gradually pressing it again with just the right amount of pressure.
- Pay attention to your breathing. To reduce camera shake, take a deep breath and then press the shutter button as you let your breath out.

And this is how you decrease camera shake! Follow these proposals and you'll certainly capture great photographs each time you press your shutter button.

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