
Is Spotify The Napster Of 2012?

By Ricki Ted

Is Spotify Really The Next Napster?

The answer to this question is up for debate currently. The main consensus seems to say that Spotify is not the next Napster. There are really two major differences between the two. For one thing it is much more legitimate about file sharing than Napster was and it is not an original idea like Napster was. The fans seem to be supportive of the Spotify platform, which is of key importance. Also Spotify has some obvious advantages, plus it is the new kid on the block. That is always a good place to be, especially in the modern online music industry today.

What Is Spotify?

Spotify is a music player and service that is growing in global popularity. It is competing for dominance in the UK market currently and doing very well. Rhapsody has practically resurrected the UK Napster to vie for competition with Spotify for the region. It is similar but different than Napster once was. It is also more streamlined and hip than the modern contemporaries that are fighting for the music marketing share of online customers. Spotify is worth giving a try as a user, but most users find it fun and fascinating as any music platform in the modern marketplace. Also it has a really catchy name.

How Is It Like Napster?

It is an online music distribution and sharing platform. Currently Spotify is being called better than anything in competition with it, which is a lot like the early Napster fans felt. Spotify is an invite-only music platform, so you would need to get a spotify invite sell in order to activate an account and start listening to music. Spotify is also in a position of immediate influence on the music sharing platforms, so it could alter the way the market works with enough growth. They would not be the first to quickly influence the online medium of music. The music industry has seen this many times over the last several decades. It is something that remains to be seen, but Spotify is definitely having a good season currently.

How Is It Different From Napster?

When the original Napster cam along, there was really nothing else like it. It was an peer sharing platform for file, but particularly music. It had its own player and things that were very innovative, especially at the time. Today there are multiple types of known and less heard of alternatives for the music listener online. This includes websites like MySpace, YouTube, Lala, Pandora, and numerous others. Spotify is essential a whole different animal than Napster. So to compare and contrast them too much, is a little hasty.

What Are The Advantages Of Using Spotify?

Spotify is pretty good about being legitimate in file sharing, so not as many piracy issues. This factor means it is less likely to become shut down like Napster did so long ago. Alternatives are always good in the music listener and player market. If you cannot find what you want on one, you can use the other easily. The biggest question is will Spotify have enough money to stay afloat without a working business model. Still Spotify appears to be blazing a trail all its own, so this is a positive sign from a business perspective.

What Is The Future Of Spotify?

If Spotify makes enough of a mark in the global market, it could do very well. It will probably be available in an App form soon. That would definitely take it to the next level of promotion both online and worldwide. The future of Spotify looks bright for now, but could go either way. Much depends on how they handle the transition from small business structure into the larger markets they have entered.

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