
Who is Banksy?

By Elissa Sanderstrom

Whether you follow his work or not, everyone in the UK and many people around the world have heard the name 'Banksy'. This yet unidentified street artist has made the headlines around the world for his usually controversial stunts, but despite this attention, there is yet to be confirmation of his true identity.

Yet despite all the headlines his work have created internationally as well as in the UK, there is yet to be conformation of Banksy's true identity. One name that comes up time and time again is Robert - or Robin - Banks from Bristol. Although this is yet to be confirmed by either Banksy or his spokesperson, this is generally considered to be his real name.

But even though we have this name and even a date a birth (believed to be 1974), no journalist has ever been able to correctly identify Banksy. Every time a photograph of 'Banksy' has been taken and printed in the newspaper, Banksy refuses to comment or confirm this latest attempt at identification. It may even be the case that his own parents don't know, as the mother and father of a Robert Banks in Bristol have said before they don't know what their son does although they believe it's in painting a decorating. With this same Mr Banks, there seems to be little or no records of him anywhere, further adding suspicion but, alas, also leading to a dead end.

But many do ask; what's so special about Banksy? If it wasn't for all the secrecy surrounding his work, would people pay as much attention to his stunts? Even so, fans and critics of Banksy's work are genuinely less concerned with his real identity and more interested in the nature of his work.

If you thought Banksy was just a UK hero, you'd be wrong. His street art and stunts have popped up all over the world, from Los Angeles (where he pulled off his famous Paris Hilton and Guantanamo Bay stunts) to Paris (he hung up a smiley-faced Mona Lisa) to London (an adapted Monopoly board outside St Paul's Cathedral next to the recent anti-capitalist demonstrations). But whatever people think of Banksy, he's undeniably taken the world by storm.

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