
The Results of Music Downloads to Recording Industries and Artists

By David Minarda

Music downloads have become very accepted by the people. It is very convenient to get such files in the web because there are websites that provides it for free. For many individuals, it is an advantage since they can save money and effort. On the other hand, there are also negative sides on the part of the recording industries, artists, as well as to the computers because it can get viruses that can harm the unit.

The most affected aspect due to downloading is the recording business. It greatly affects the industry because of low sales to the market. The most probable reason of this low production is that people will definitely choose free music clips rather than purchase a CD in the record bars. When the revenue of the industry is low, definitely the people under the company will be affected. These include the recording artists and other employees included in the album.

The artists are also affected due to these operations. When their albums did not have an impact to the market, the tendency is that they will end up in nothing also. The advertisements and promotion of the album are also affected due poor sales of the album. If this is the case, the tendency is that the artists will no longer perform and make new albums.

When downloading files on the web, there are also tendencies that the computers will acquire viruses. Despite of installation of Anti-Virus software, there are still viruses that can enter the computers when you download any file from the Internet. This can bring damage to the unit and lose all the files installed in the computer.

There are also tendencies that a person can be sued when downloading music from unauthorized sources. An individual can be charged with copyright infringement if he or she illegally used the work of an individual under copyright such as blog spots or music blogs. Most companies have the capacity to detect the users who are violating these laws and they have the right to file a case against these users.

It is important that people knows how to use the web appropriately and with responsibility. It will be best if the users know how to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of downloading. It does not necessarily mean to stop using the web for these services; however, users must also take considerations with other people and companies that are depending in their businesses.

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