
Recognition Makes For Sexual Abuse Survivor Stories

By Sheila Sheppard

We have all seen talk shows with guests who have sexual abuse survivor stories. That is not to say that there are not some who have found a way to heal their wounds. Yet many others have learned regression as a means of survival.

Sadly, it is memory suppression that can cause so many life altering events. People who suffer from severe anxiety often have events like this in their past. Many things in adulthood will trigger memories and to keep them suppressed the body reacts with episodes of panic and anxiety.

The one person they cannot fool is themselves. No matter how hard they try, the inner child continues to demand comfort and the adult continues to beat it down. These adults, by not accepting the torment, have no way to give the child the soothing care it craves. It is easier to continue the game.

We have all read the horror stories of youngsters who continue to turn to their abusers. This is because the child is often getting a mixed message. The same adult that supplies the basic needs of life, is the same one that also supplies the abuse.

Often, the child will self-inflict wounds as an outer sign that somewhere inside they are blaming themselves for the attacks. They deserve to be hurt. If only they had acted better; if only they had not spoken that way; if only they were more lovable. It is often impossible for them to lay blame where it belongs.

It can sometimes take months of therapy before a person can find the strength to face the inner child. Occasionally, as adults we see this child as everything we do not want to be; weak and needy. Yet in learning to survive, we awaken the child and give it the soothing care it has craved for so many years. sexual abuse survivor stories

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