
Pop Stars Like Lady Gaga Keep Pop Music Interesting

By Scott Baker

When Lady Gaga came out with her first album three years ago, she captured everyone’s attention â€" with her style and creativity.The usual critics did not know what to think about Lady Gaga. For the first time, they were unaware of anything to say about the pop icon.She had very addictive melodies and her song writing is just so creative.Lady Gaga started as a star in an overpopulated pop industry; that doesn’t happen to many of those who are just as talented and just as creative.Lady Gaga has got what it takes to survive in an industry where every song, style, fashion and dance moves have probably been experimented already.

Lady Gaga appeals to most of us because she keeps us interested and curious of what she is going to do next.In addition to that, her new songs make it seem like her songs two years ago are very old songs already.The old songs by Lady Gaga â€" even though it is just a couple of years since they have been released first, seem to belong to another generation.In fact, her old songs such as “Just Dance” and “Poker Face” seem to belong to another era now.

But what really captured most of her fans’ attention is Lady Gaga’s fashion sense.The creative touch on each of her costume, which she wears either when performing or merely attending an event is always beyond everyone’s imagination.Lady Gaga’s fashion sense is based on a single theme â€" to shock people.Her costumes are creative, individualistic and sometimes amazingly non-sense.

Even when her costume looks really uncomfortable, she manages to look comfortable in it.She is without doubt a pop icon and a trend-setter.Everyone knows her, her songs and her performances; the TV just can’t get enough of her.She is today’s biggest pop icon.

As you would expect, there is a massive range of Lady Gaga tshirts available.The styles available on the Lady Gaga tshirts are almost as varied as her own styling.With everything from song titles, song lyrics and many images of Gaga herself there is sure to be a Lady Gaga t-shirt to suit any fan.

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