
Good Portfolio: Casting for Models

By Harvey Parker

Every aspiring model would be waiting for the right opportunity to make it big in the glamour industry. But all this is not easy as it requires the perfect platform to exhibit their talents and get noticed by the right people. Casting for models is very important as that is the basic element that will decide what their future has in store. A model would obviously like to get into either the branding industry or film industry. The casting directors go in search of the perfect model who could don their roles for the movies. For this various auditions are organised that will call in fresh talent. Every audition will have its own rules and regulations and it’s important to understand and follow them.

Besides that the auditions would be in search of a particular talent and the requirements including the age group and special talents will be listed in the audition notice. Understanding them and then applying it only if it matches the portfolio is the major decision that every model has to make at any point of time. Going to the right place and performing in from of the right people will get the model to the right target. There have been many cases wherein the models receive casting calls and even before they know what it is for they apply and get into the wrong place. Their talent gets hidden behind the glamour industry and are type cast. The first call is very important platform and can make or break the career path.

Make a wise choice in the first assignment and be sure that the decision taken is going to take you to heights of success. A good portfolio to bring to commercial casting agents is very important element for any model. The portfolio is the first communication between the model and the casting director or the judges. Make sure the best of you is shown in the portfolio. It should have photos of the model in various outfits thus giving the viewer a feeling of versatility as that is the main selling point in this industry.

It’s not a good option to include the same outfit with different poses as it will never do any good for the model. Combine various looks and outfits like fashion, commercial, swim wear and beauty and traditional and many more. The best features of the model must be exploited in all the photographs.

Remember to enhance the portfolio to make it look versatile and talented.

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