
Different Plants Which Grow In Jamaica

By Jodie Harvey

The favorable climate and good soil quality has made Jamaica favorable for plant cultivation. Various plant products grow Jamaica and because of this, agriculture is their major industry. The island is a leading exporter of various crops to many places around the world.

Some of the crops which are abundant in the place include coffee, bananas, sugar cane and coconuts. One of the factors of its easy cultivation is the climate. Other products were soon introduced to the island including rice, ginger and mangoes.

The mountains were thickly covered with various kinds of trees. Ferns and bamboo are found in regions with heavy rainfall. Dry regions made room for dry area plants such as cactus. Some areas of the island had large portions of grasslands.

Among the various plant products of the island, sugar cane was on top of the others. The plant is used for making sugar, rum and different alcohol products. The island is widely known for its rum which is also exported around the globe.

Another staple crop in the country are bananas. These are planted in moist regions which are supported by the island's climate. The country is a leading exporter of bananas around the world. This crop is also part of their local diet.

As a tropical country, this is favorable for palm trees. A large stand of coconuts can be found here. This plant is used to produce edible oil, soap and other products to be exported. Some of the crops are used in the local factories.

Indeed, there are many plants that grow Jamaica. With their favorable climate and rich soil, it is quite easy to see why. Agriculture has supported a lot of their population giving them a means of living. This is only proof that nature can give so much.

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