
Cinema Posters - Why They Make Good Gifts For Friends Of All Age

By Briana Jake Woodward

Film posters show what a film is about. They reveal the characters of the movie, the writer, the producer, and the director. Most or all of this information is usually shown through a poster for the future audience to identify the world view of the film they are about to view.

Adults like original movie posters much like children do and they may need to like it if they are going to guide their children in what film to watch. Some posters may be disappointing, though, as they may not be the best presentation of what the movie is. Some artists are better than others. Nonetheless, the movie poster is often a very rough sketch about what one might expect to see in the film.

Visual images can be very powerful. As the cliche "a picture is worth a thousand words" implies, a single image can convey a wealth of valuable information. In cinema, a single image can signify a specific mood or a particular genre for the film. It will also highlight who the lead actor or actress is that is starring in the feature.

If a poster is not appealing to the adult or child, they may not want to see the movie at all. This shows how important it is to make a good movie poster for the public to see when trying to sell the idea of the movie. It is interesting how usually not a lot of wording is on the poster except for the credits.

The images are supposed to give the meaning of the picture without the use of words. Sometimes when there are fewer images, it makes the poster more desirable to look at on some levels as a lot of images can become overwhelming. This could turn off a potential movie-goer. Less can be more at times.

Movie posters have evolved considerably over time. Originally they were often very simple designs, but contemporary posters are often far more elaborate. However, some of the vintage images are still very popular and they have weathered the test of time. The newer designs are not always necessarily better.

The typography of the poster has evolved over time as well. More strokes have been given to letters resulting in a more three-dimensional look. This could attract adults as well as kids when they view the poster.

A part of the creative process could be for the screenwriter of an upcoming project to make their own poster. This can aid the writer to know what is ahead of them for defining their characters and making the concept very believable for the audience in mind.

Not only is it good to see valuable information such as the film credits in the film poster, but it is also nice to look at the colors and images on it for the viewer to decide whether or not they want to buy a ticket.

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