
Learn Adobe Photoshop - Having Fun with Adobe Photoshop

By David Peters

Okay, I admit that I have been caught falling asleep while viewing my best friends vacation photos; while I knew she had a great time, the photos simply weren't capturing my interest. If she had only taken the time to learn how Adobe Photoshop could have taken her so-so photos and turned them into something that would have definitely kept my attention. She could have taken those ordinary photos and turned them into something extraordinary using the tools provided in Photoshop.

While Photoshop has long been considered the tool for professional photographers only you may be amazed that if you give yourself a bit of time to learn the program you will quickly be able to turn your photos into masterpieces. While learning ther more difficult tools you can always rely on the easier, fun tools to provide what you will need to edit your photos.

Here are some of the basic tools that you can use in Photoshop that will let you have a lot of fun and also help you learn the ropes about photo editing.

Ever wonder why all the professional models look so great? Photoshop comes with warping tools that allow you to manipulate your photos and, once it is mastered, allows you to add or subtract weight from your subjects, among other things. If you want 12-pack abs but don't want to go to the gym all you need to do is figure out this amazing tool and you will fool even your mother.

Another tool is the smudge tool. This is another basic photo editing tool that you will use constantly. If you have a close up picture of your face or any face, and there are imperfections in the face such as scars, pimples and wrinkles, you can remove them with the smudge tool. This will make the subject's face look smoother and also younger.

Want to remove objects in your photo or replace backgrounds? The lasso tool allows you to select a particular part of the picture and then remove it. For example, if you are standing in your garden you can use the lasso tool to easily select your whole body and cut it out of the photo. Then you can paste the object you cut on another background, such as behind the Arc de Triumph in France or behind the famous windmills in Netherlands.

There are also great effects that you can use on your photographs. Just go to the filter menu and you will find different effects that you can put in your photograph. For example, if you want your photograph to look as if it was painted with watercolor, you can easily do so by selecting the water color effect on the filter menu in the artistic sub menu.

Worried you will forget who was standing next to you during your college graduation? Easily insert text or captions onto your photos using the text tool. Recently divorced but don't want to toss your photos out the window? Easily remove unwanted objects and you will be able to keep all the photos, minus the unwanted objects or individuals.

These are only a small portion of the amazing things that you can do with Adobe Photoshop. Once you master the basics and delve deeper into the program you will see that I have only scratched the surface of this powerful program. Take your time and find out how you can turn your ordinary photographs into extraordinary works of art.

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