
Professional Corporate Photography

By Shawn Smith

Professional corporate photography is all about PR and image-building. These activities cover a large range of thrusts and programs which are complicated and amazing. Professionally produced pictures are required for the following:

Yearly financial reports

Folio of board members

Corporate events and gatherings

Folio of departments and their activities

Folio of foreign subsidiaries

Press releases

Corporate publications and newsletters

As firms go global, the yearly report gets more complicated. You now have to reckon with more subsidiaries in several continents. That should require more headshots of key company executives; pictorials for subsidiary offices, plants and selling arms; and other pictures needed by the editorial board. In a few cases, foreign photographers are commissioned to do the footage.

Why should firms choose photos taken by professional commercial photographers? A once a year report is a company's greatest medium for image-building. The fact that a glossy copy gets around in financial circles can enhance the company's standing if the footage are provoking. Remember that readers of annual reports infrequently read the contents. They just flick through a thick report, and stop whenever a fascinating photo springs into view.

Naturally, you would need your company offices to be featured in their excellent best. Their typical footage just won't do. Their photographs must be at par with the status and standing of their offices. They must look dignified in their entirely retouched and edited portraits. It is also a chance to introduce the men in charge to the investors, who are mandated to receive a copy of the Annual Report. An impressive folio of the Board of Directors can build confidence among shareholders.

Exceptionally fascinating and highly creative pictures must dazzle the readers of papers and blogs. Words no longer matter that much these days. Only pictures which have been professionally executed and edited can arrest the awareness of your target readers. That's why only professional corporate photography can get the job done when making press releases.

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