
A Newbie's 3-Step Guide to turning into a Commercial Photographer

By Aaron J JacksonCrabb

Pause. Hold. Look. Adjust. Press the shutter. Repeat. As a commercial photographer, A significant quantity of time is spent figuring out how to adjust a light stand, arrange a gobo, force light through a grid, power up your power pack, stop down your aperture and place your subject in the frame. The easy side of commercial photography does not exist. Nothing is simple when it comes to taking a picture in-studio or on-location. This is the very first thing you learn when you start to truly study how an image is composed. It isn't the simple depressing of a shutter button. If you suspect this is photography then you need to return to the camera shop now and ask for an exchange. You do not need all that gear you need a point and shoot camera for your "straighforward" pictures. Leave the rest up to the professionals.

The second thing you may find out about commercial photography is the way to capture the image in camera before post-processing. Regard it this way, the less Photoshop you have to employ the better your imagery will become. Not only this but think of Photoshop as a file modifier just like your snoots, umbrellas, diffusers, gels and grids are light modifiers. It is there to help create an image it's not there to make the image. Without your camera Photoshop is a pointless tool. Get what you need in your camera. If you need to change it when you are done, fine. If from the start in your sketchbook you need to employ a filter, screen, wash, or mask in Photoshop to build, create, innovate and stimulate your imagery - then that's fantastic. But again, Photoshop is pointless without that camera file. So be kind to your client, your self-image and finally you by capturing what you need in your camera before you tear down that set.

The final thing you could to learn before you begin your journey into learning photography is be resilient. You'll be faced with more challenges on a regular basis then you know what to do with. Don't get discouraged. Stay focussed!! You are going to need to cultivate a skin. People are going to get nasty, critiquing your best work. You must remember to stand tall. Let the words sink in. Do not be intimidated by another photographers' years of practice. But listen. Their guidance is very important. When you begin to feel intimidation, turn the other cheek and keep on clicking away. You'll find your true path. Your destination out there in the world of photography. Understand just one thing. These photographers are accomplished folk in their various fields and for this you owe them all of your complete attention. They are going to teach you what you need to know. Regardless of if you learn only one thing from one ugly small mean professional photographer it is still one more thing you have learned about being a commercial shutter-bug. Smile. And walk away with your dignity intact.

Now you are prepared to get out there. Tug out your gear. Unload your creative ideas and push the bounds because you know the three integral parts to being a commercial paparazzo. Commercial photography is not easy. Nor is it just pressing a button. Photoshop is only a tool. Without a camera, Photoshop is only a software program. And eventually be tough, grow a talent and learn as much as feasible from those who have come before you.

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