
A Few Good Tips On Selecting Your First Cello

By Cathy Riekturr

Before I go into this, let me provide you with some background on the cello. Together together with the violin, the viola and also the bass, the cello is part of the string instrument group. In terms of size, it is a couple of times larger than the violin. The bowing technique for the cello is a bit different from that of the violin as you hold the instrument differently. The tone of the cello is a lot deeper than the violin or cello due to the reality of its size.

The cello can be a difficult instrument. Apart from the body of the cello, which is carved from Maplewood, it does have a number of other materials such as metal, rubber and steel. All these components make up the cello.

Here are a few tips which will assist you to select your very first cello:

1. Establish your budget

You may have a specific budget in mind for your first cello. It could be 1000 dollars or 5 thousand dollars. There's a distinct difference in the cello if the cost is at both ends of this spending budget. Whatever the case is, you'll have to balance your spending budget together with the tone which the instrument can bring out if you play it.

2. Get advice from experienced players

Ask around your acquaintances who are skilled cello players to obtain an opinion on what type of cello to choose as your very first instrument. Given that they have much more experience, they will be much better able to look at the build of the cello you intend to buy.

3. Get from a reputable store

This is a no brainer, but I must remind you to deal only with reputable stores. You'll want to be able to bring the cello back to the shop for future repairs as needed. Usually reputable shops have a trade in policy whereby if you purchased the first instrument from them, you'll have the ability to trade up for a much better model later on.

4. Research

Do some research within your neighborhood bookstore, library or by surfing the web. You'll get much more suggestions from these sources. With more information, you are better equipped to select your very first instrument.

Selecting any music instrument for the very first time, be it the cello or violin could be a headache for some people. Nevertheless with correct guidance and if you follow the above ideas, you're in a better position to do so.

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