
Being A Part Of The Academy Awards By Running An Oscar Pool

By Lenora Obrien

The Academy Awards is the most awaited and most prestigious awards night in the Hollywood. It is basically witnessed not just by the biggest stars of the planet, but the people across all nations as well. It is easy for an ordinary enthusiast to be part of it without sweating his way to the spotlight. Running an Oscar pool is not difficult, and this very much fun.

While it may be only a mere dream for ordinary individuals to get engaged in this glamorous night, participating in the spine tingling annual event will still be feasible. The office pools are carried out easily by anybody, but the thrills will be proportionate with what the celebrities experience while walking down on the hall of fame.

Interested parties have to gather the list of nominees in every category. These could be anywhere from the Best Picture to the Best Actor categories. People joining the pools can make guesses for the awards. And to make the pools more interesting, organizers must never forget to include other categories like Best Animated Short, Best Foreign Film, and Best Live Action Short.

Organizers must devise a specific sheet where every participant can vote. It has to be kept simple so as not to confuse the participants when voting. They could direct them to encircle or have boxes checked for their choices. As assumed, ballot clarity is of great importance.

Charging participants with a small sum can make this more exciting. This move can actually encourage more people to join in the organized pools.

Properly introducing the pools will suffice to the success of the activity. If this is run in the office, organizers should notify their co workers by posting these in the approved areas of the company. If this is for the Academy Awards' party, information on the invitation should be included. The ballots should be collected just before the winners are announced.

Organizers must watch the show in order to keep track of each winner in all categories. All ballots should be accurately checked to impartially determine who wins the Oscar pool.

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