
A Wi-Fi Tablet Reviewed: The Dell Streak 7

By Arthur Barrow

Those who had laptop computers initially gave the iPad a tepid reception, not seeing the capabilities of the brand-new gadget. But then, the real function of the iPad started to become more obvious. The iPad became sought out, gross revenues and net incomes surged and all of a sudden all of the leading computer and cell phone companies wanted to get in on the action. Tablets began appearing wherever you look. Of course, Dell is trying to find its piece of the pie. The product offering Dell is placing its hopes on is what they're calling Streak 7 Wi-Fi Tablet. Whether this tablet makes the grade and is worth the money is what we are going to try to resolve in this article.

It's a good device for movies with a similar system to watch movies for ipad. The first downside to this Dell tablet is the company that is making it. Dell does not have a reputation for the quality of its products. And as for customer service: well, let's just put it this way: if it owned a trophy closet, it would not be stuffed with consumer awards. After your product warranty expires, you are going to be billed for customer service phone calls to the company - at least that is what a lot of customers say. You'll find that maybe the tag price of this device is more low-priced than most, you have to factor in the long-term cost of the company you're doing business with.

Multitasking is facilitate by the tablet's operating system, an Android OS version dubbed "Froyo." It's not a necessity to keep specific programs "live" in order to receive messages from the system's notification service, while simultaneously listening to MP3s and keeping your GPS information current. It gives super easy access to your Gmail and other e-mail applications and accounts, so you don't have to worry about whether someone can reach you when you have your tablet with you.

One of the good things about this Dell tablet that did not come with the initial iPad design is video chat. Video chat comes built in to this Dell tablet by means of a front-facing panel camera and Qik software. But oh dear, yes, there is a caveat: someone with the same Dell Streak 7 tablet, or something compatible, presents no problem - otherwise, incommunicado you will be. Thus, video chatting with those who own other platforms is not ensured. Another good thing is that the Dell Streak 7 table comes built in with Blockbuster's On Demand service. Admittedly, however, Blockbuster's recent troubles certainly managed to make us think twice about its value as a recommendation.

Until now, there aren't many reviews about this particular product though some people are wondering what the purpose of this product might actually be. This Dell tablet's real use is limited by its not being extensive and its consequent inability to communicate with other devices. Nonetheless, if you are desperate for a tablet computer and you don budget, this may be a great way to get used to the technology and figure out if tablets truly are for you. Just make certain you understand what you are paying for before you actually give your money to the company.

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