
The Way Ahead For Scifi And Computer Effects

By Ben Mester

One of the things that made Star Wars amazing was the fact that it utilized technology and special effects that were way before its time, that no other pictures had yet been able to implement. Back in the 1970s, CGI effects were a big thing, and having the ability to do the kinds of things they did with Star Wars put that trilogy really on the leading edge.

But here we are over thirty years later and movie producers are still trying to push the envelope with the latest and greatest CGI effects. It has gotten sort of old. Movie watchers are getting burned out on special effects. The trend seems to slowly be going in the opposite direction actually. Movie producers have been spending millions of bucks on CGI effects that in a lot of ways are actually detracting from the general movie experience.

Some film producers appear to have noticed this, and have slowly but steadily begun going back to the traditional hooks like suspense and good dialog, in place of just blowing things up. Don't get me wrong, I love a good action sequence. But in the last decade, it has gotten a bit ridiculous, with action stars typically performing stunts that are way beyond the field of human capacity.

Things have begun changing though. I've actually really enjoyed a few of the films coming out these days in the realm of science fiction and fantasy. The makers and directors are finally beginning to get the hint that their viewers are getting bored with costly, unbelievable action sequences that carry on.

There are a few different films that are beginning to take this approach. My favorite is the new film "Cowboys and Aliens," whose title clearly makes it appear as though a cheasy scifi flick that probably has a very poor plot. But I was very impressed by their limited use of CGI effects and drawn out action sequences, and instead got a nice supply of good acting and dialog.

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