
The State Regarding Digital TV

By Lois Marksberry

Is it really necessary to pay for cable TV anymore? You have to think the cable companies are worrying about their futures as just about everything seems to be moving online.

If you want to watch movies online, you'll have an easy time finding them. From Netflix to Epix and iTunes, there are a ton of ways to enjoy films from your computer or handheld devices these days. Since it's so easy to see movies this way, everyone from Blockbuster Video to HBO is feeling the pain.

It's not only movies though. You can watch TV the same way nowadays. If you use something as simple as Satellite Direct scam, you can download the software and watch a boatload of channels in a matter of minutes. What's even best about this is that there are no monthly fees tacked on either.

If you turn on MTV nowadays, it's almost guaranteed that you won't be seeing a music video on the channel.

With all of these advances in streaming media, what does his imply about where TV is headed? Will you have your typical cable box with the channels you have now in the future, or will things be completely different in a few years?

All logic points to the fact that everything will continue to morph and more media will be consumed on computers, tablets, and cell phones. TVs will still have a place in this world, but they'll also be connected to the web and much of what you consume on your TV will come from the internet.

There's a very good chance that cable subscription rates will continue to decline in the coming years. Haven't you found yourself spending less time on the TV recently?

Share your opinions here if you have your own thoughts about the future of television and movies.

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