
Restore Your Memories By Digitizing Photos

By Kelley Vazquez

A great way to have your images last forever is by digitizing photos. When making your traditional photos digital you open up a lot of opportunities. Your pictures can be shared more easily and you help yourself by storing everything in one place.

Old pictures can wear with time. They may tear, fade, or become destroyed by a disaster such as flooding or a fire. Your precious memories maybe lost forever due to these unforeseeable things.

Once you have transformed into the digital era your photos can be protected from all of the aging factors that could ruin them. Reprints are able to be made easier, editing and cropping will be with the click of a button. No more searching for items they will be at your fingertips.

Another positive is that an enormous amount of space will be saved when making your memories digital. This will help with organization as well. One more benefit is that they can be shared much more easily with friends or family. They can just view the pictures by receiving an email or by logging into a social network that they are posted on.

When choosing to switch your prints you have the option to have them done professionally or you can choose to do it yourself. The things that needs to be taken into consideration is the amount of time that is willing to be put into the project, the number of photos being transferred, as well as the amount of money and equipment you will need. Most professional companies do this process quickly and its not overly priced.

Regardless of your choice the same process will occur. The paper photos, negatives or slides will need to be scanned. The scanning converts and transfers images from the traditional into a digital collection. They can be burnt onto DVDs or Cd's, this is called manual archiving. They also can be put into an external hard drive; this is known as digital archiving.

Having a backup procedure online is a great way to protect your files of images. Regularly checking this system and keeping up to date on new software will help to avoid any problems.

This very effective method helps to make your pictures better quality and is more convenient than the traditional way of storing your images.

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