
Piano Learning Tips

By Andy Penbram

Here are a number of essential but valuable suggestions on how to play piano that should be of some use to you if you are a beginner piano player or if you have already achieved an intermediate level.

Make Time To Practice Every Day

I can't stress how crucial it is to practice repeatedly. To the majority of kids who learn the piano this can be a laborious task which in a lot of cases leads to them giving up the instrument at a later date. Practice periods get more attractive to the grownup student who has elected to learn the piano and who can get pleasure from the process of learning and practicing. You'll discover that after a few days of regular practice that your fingers appear to perform better as the communication between the brain and the fingers becomes enhanced with practice. You will realize that after some time you 'get used to' playing and you do not have to think about it. If you leave just a few days without practicing then you will certainly observe that it will be a lot more difficult to get back into the swing of things once more afterward.

Make yourself realistic goals

If you are learning how to play the piano at home by yourself or if you have a teacher then it is always a good idea to set some solid but achievable goals to help you on your way. Goals for the long term and goals for the long term can be made. The short term goals might be the mastering of a certain piece or the perfection of a particular chord progression. You need to constantly repeat the piece or exercise in your practice sessions until one day it will be learned. For a long term goal you might want to reach a particular level of playing by passing an exam or by being able to do something like play in public or accompany a singer etc. The setting of goals doesn't necessarily have to include time limits and deadlines but it might help.

You will make Mistakes - Don't let it concern you

Remember that you will without doubt make multiple mistakes when you are practicing and even when you perform, do not let this get to you, just concentrate on getting through the piece and making it flow. There are times however when fluidity is more advantageous than perfection. You should pass over the mistakes and carry on playing. Make a mental note to yourself where you made the mistake and if you keep making the same mistake in the same place then you should work on that small section playing it over and over, slowly at first until it flows easily and playing it becomes easier. If you don't concentrate too much on your mistakes then it will become a lot easier to advance, the mistakes you make will either go away on their own or in the case of repetitive ones they will force you to practice them until they no longer exist. You will find it a lot easier to practice and become a better piano player by following these tips.

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