
Online TV: Reasons Why I Love It

By Judy Finlayson

My most recent obsession has to be online TV. When it comes to watching online TV, it is just so easy that I find I don't even bother with regular television these days.

The following are some of the main reasons why I like to watch my favourite TV shows over the internet

I love the fact that I can watch what I like whenever I like it. I have found numerous new shows and have then sat and watched the entire series one after the other.

I don't have to wait for a week before I can get to see the next episode anymore. My memory is so bad that I have found myself wondering what happened in the previous episode when I am watching the next one so not having to wait is great. This now one problem that I can cross off my list.

The internet tends to have much more choice of television shows than you would find on the regular television. So being bored is now no longer in my vocabulary. The problem I have found with regular TV channels is that they tend to just show repeats all the time no matter how many channels we have. When I watch online TV however, it is up to me what I watch and not the program schedulers.

Prime time is whenever I decide. The times when I watch my favourite TV programmes will be times that suit me instead of times decided by the TV channel. By the time I can sit to watch television it is usually after midnight but regular scheduling tends to be quite bare at this time. However this is not a problem anymore because with online TV, I can watch these shows at any time of the day or night.

So as you can see there are a few great reasons for watching TV online.

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