
How to be a Sports Photographer During Touch Economic Conditions

By Shawn Smith

The ability for a professional image photographer to earn their way thru this current economic situation is conditional on numerous factors. Primarily their ability and how that talent is recognised by their peers and general public. In addition luck has something to do with it also. Being in the right spot at the right time and making the vital decisions at the right time is critical.

I have met so many photographers who are super talented in their field but currently are not able to get work. A lot of them have attributed this to making the incorrect choices at the wrong time. As an example I have got a friend who chose to expand the business too fast and purchased another business to amalgamate into his growing business. But when the economy sank, the business suffered. Potential customers tightened their purse strings and thus the price he paid for the business was far and above what it was worth. He was unable to pay back the business loan and went bankrupt.

While we're still facing the uncertainty that's before us with the EU debt crisis causing issues around the world, any professional photographer should be taking defensive actions to guard any existing business. This is the time to consolidate and protect current clientele and service them in a way to prevent them from leaving. Each customer is worth their weight in gold.

Some ways that you could stop clients from leaving is to value add what you now do for your customer. Consider:

- Sending out an e-mail updating clients on what is happening and how they would benefit from your service

- Offering a great discount on a time sensitive deal employing a discount code

- Offering a free consultation to review their present business needs

Make sure you do everything possible to trade out of these difficult economic times.

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