
Existing In Suspended Animation

By May Anne Sweep

For years, amber has been valued for its elegance and exquisiteness, and how every piece has a certain air of mystique about it. This fossilized tree resin came to existence when thousands of years in the past, an early insect unknowingly wanders into a drop of tree resin and becomes enveloped in the thick substance, eternally preserving its small structure in the hardened translucent matter.

An additional reason why amber is set apart from other precious stones and fossils, is because it's not only able to preserve the tiny animals for thousands of years, but it also kept the critter's whole body intact and unblemished, such that they look just like what they did when they were still alive and as if they are simply in suspended animation.

Maybe this unique fossil is nature's way of creating memoirs that permit us to take a peek into the obscure past and get a good grasp of what life must have been like when the world was different and young.

With the level of technology that we enjoy today, it doesn't have to take thousands of years for us to be able to create a token of the past. On account of the creation of the art of photography, a few clicks of your camera will yield instant memoirs that can capture a tiny fragment of your life within it. These images can last for a number of lifetimes, permitting people in the future to use it as a bridge to the past that gives them the chance to experience that exact instant in time when the camera's shutter captured the moment.

Maternity photography, graduation photography, baby photography, these are just some of the more sought after categories of photography these days. Their popularity is spurred by the fact that people tend to capture memories that have lasting meaning for them, such as these extraordinary occasions in one's life. Since it is in these one of a kind moments that we experience some of the sweetest things in life, and who would not want to preserve that?

Photography; A Timeless Art

A Bridge To The Past

Priceless Mementos

Preserving A Fragment Of Your Existence

Life In A Snapshot

A Frozen Moment

For A Fleeting Moment

Photography And Time

Breaking The Barriers Of Time

Living Forever, In A Photograph

Categories:Education, hobbies, Arts & Entertainment:Photography

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