
A Wi-Fi Tablet Examined: The Dell Streak 7

By Nancy Hardy

Those who owned laptop computers initially gave the iPad an unenthusiastic reception, not realizing the capabilities of the brand-new gadget. But then, the true function of the iPad started to become more obvious. As the market caught on and Apple's accountants started rubbing their hands with glee, the other leading computer and cellular companies sat up and took notice. Tablets began appearing wherever you look. Of course, Dell is attempting to obtain its piece of the pie. The product offering Dell is putting its hopes on is the Streak 7 Wi-Fi Tablet. We're going to evaluate this device in this article and give you the answers you need for you to determine if it's a good purchase or not.

It's a good device for movies with a similar system to watch movies for ipad. The first drawback on this tablet is its manufacturer. Dell isn't really noted for creating good and reliable products. And as for customer service: well, let's simply put it this way: if this company owned a prize shelf, it would not be overloaded with consumer awards. Based on customer feedback, it appears that once your warranty runs out, you will incur a charge for contacting customer support. Purchasing a product from Dell can have future implications - and not just price - which may well outweigh the immediate savings from it being a comparatively cheap product.

Multitasking is facilitate by the tablet's operating system, a version of the Android OS dubbed "Froyo." The system's notification service keeps you abreast even if all apps aren't open and running, and at the same time, you can keep your GPS data and listen to MP3s. There are no worries about being unreachable with this tablet; communications via Gmail and other email setups are possible.

A great feature of this tablet compared with the initial iPad is video chat. Video chat feature is available in this tablet by means of a front-facing panel cam and Qik software. The problem is , however, that you won't be able to communicate with thoseothers who don't have the same Dell tablet, or something compatible. So there is no an all-encompassing video chat function available. Another great thing is that the tablet features Blockbuster's On Demand service. Admittedly, though, Blockbuster's recent difficulties have made us think twice about its value as a recommendation.

Until now, there aren't plenty of reviews about this specific product although a few people are curious to know what the purpose of this product might actually be. The Streak 7's real use is limited by its not being encompassing and its subsequent inability to communicate with other devices. Nevertheless, if you are desperate for a tablet computer and you t have a big budget, the Dell Streak 7 may be a great way to get used to the technology and figure out if tablets truly are for you. Before you part with your hard-earned money, however, take care and ensure that you understand what you're investing in.

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