
What Is New With The iPad 2?

By William Goodwin

For the majority of us, it is impossible to escape the fact that the iPad 2 has launched. There is invariably plenty of media coverage of anything Apple do. Maybe it's because of all the fan boys, or is it simply because Apple produces quality products? From an impartial standpoint, I think it is a combination of these. Twelve months separate the launching dates of the iPad and now the iPad 2. So, if you got the original model, I will now offer my opinion on if you should consider shifting to the iPad 2.

The first thing to notice with the iPad 2 is the reduction in in terms of size. The iPad 2 is slimmer by approximately a third of the original but the screen dimensions stay unaltered. The weight of the iPad 2 has likewise seen a decrease with it now weighing in on the scales at just 600 grams. Light by any standards. If you handle the iPad and the new iPad 2, the modification in design can be experienced. Don't think a thinner and less heavy design means the performance is affected, because boy oh boy would you be wrong...

It can handle movies in the same way as you download iphone movies. In comparison to the first model, the iPad 2 is quicker. For the new iPad, the performance of the graphics is said to be nine times as fast according to Apple. This is a considerable improvement if we assume that as read. Gaming requisites and the introduction of cameras is why this had to happen. An A5 chip implies that Apple also now has a processor that is a lot faster. The new iPad's A5 dual core processor is what makes it faster than the last model. I surely observed it was faster, even with a lot of apps running in the background. I've likewise taken a look at both the iPad and iPad 2 side by side and I can definitely say you observe things, such as web pages and video, loading quicker.

Now, onto the recent addition of the cameras; not just one, but two cameras are on the iPad 2. These are situated at the front and at the back. This is a significant move as the original iPad didn't come with camera the least bit and this may be important to you. A more or less better capability of one of the cameras is the ability to shoot in 720p HD. Video calling and fun photographs are now feasible with the new iPad with the addition of FaceTime and Photobooth. The back camera, when running FaceTime on the iPad, exposes where you are as opposed to the front camera that permits you see each other.

Overall, I would personally advise switching from the original iPad to the iPad 2 if you can afford it, however if you're not interested in slightly faster loading times then don't bother. The new features are not that groundbreaking, although you do now have cameras and in general the enhancements are great.

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