
Want To Start A Video Production Business?

By Matt Hawthorn

Starting a video production business is much easier than it used to be. This draft presumes you've got a working understanding of cameras, promoting, and intenet S.E.O selling and advertising. No good having the talents if you don't know the way to popularize your business.

The very first thing to consider is whether you've got the appropriate gear to call yourself a full scale production company. If you don't already have them, the Canon D5 SLR photography cameras are a dream for shooting full quality, wonderful looking HD video pictures. You'll need transportable sound equipment, plus glide arms and a mini steadi-cam rig.

Get a few of these together with some portable sound supply and you are in business. You'll need to budget for separate lenses but you will get masses of camera and lenses for around $10 000. This is small in pro video production.

You can always hire things like mini jib arms and cranes after you've got a job for a business. You're going to need an edit suite. Final Cut pro is a fantastic professional option but the latest copy of Adobe Premiere is a dream for editing HD images. Make sure you have a fast PC with solid state drives (SSD's) that don't cause no lag, and a very high spec graphic card.

Next up you want to find some work. Build a domain or blog which is a free and inexpensive option, you'll also be able to get a professional blog theme that may make your site look the Shiz nit. Now it's to the selling bit. You have 2 options. Adwords or SEO. Or both. Depending on your market and city or local area, you could be able to rise up to the top of Google fairly fast with just a little bit of back linking and catalog submission work.

If this area isn't your forte run 1 or 2 advertisements on Adwords. Before you do that head to You Tube for some Adwords training. Try not to get to concerned with the company who's running the videos or you can finish up paying them money to do a simple job you can do, if you only carry out as little as 30 mins of video coaching.

Your ad should mention professional video production. Or if you'd like a profitable side job you could perform marriage videography. Your ad should display wedding videos, or professional wedding videograpy Arlington (or whatever city you are in). Bid on the keywords appropriate to your ad, and then choose your city or area only as the target area for your advert.

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